A Patriotic Thanksgiving

Cantata Choir

November 17, 2024

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir serves faithfully every week at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Singing “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God” (Col. 3:16), they present anthems of praise and thanksgiving in varied traditional styles and support the congregational singing of hymns and songs. The Choir aids worshippers in the use of their hearts and voices to glorify God.

Rehearsals are held each Thursday at 3 p.m. in the Sanctuary from September through May, and new singers are welcome.

Joy Ringers

The Joy Ringers Handbell Choir performs various times throughout the year at the 11:00 a.m. worship service to bring the pleasing sound of bells in honor of our Lord. The Handbell Choir utilizes two octaves of Malmark handbells as well as hand chimes.  The Joy Ringers team rehearses weekly from September to May on Wednesdays.


We are grateful for our talented and skilled musicians who graciously volunteer to use their gifts and talents to provide music for our worship services. The instruments played include flute, violin, viola, saxophone, guitar, and keyboard. 

Murrysville Cantata Choir

The Murrysville Cantata Choir, sponsored by First Presbyterian Church of Murrysville, is a group of singers from churches throughout the Murrysville area that was formed in the spring of 2018 to present the sacred cantata “Behold the Lamb,” by Lloyd Larson, for the Easter season.  Performing at First Presbyterian Church, the Choir followed their successful debut with “A Patriotic Thanksgiving” in November 2018 and, on Palm Sunday 2019, reunited for the Easter cantata, “A Journey to Hope,” by Joseph M. Martin.

In November 2019 the choir presented a second “Patriotic Thanksgiving” concert at First Presbyterian Church and appeared the following Sunday to present the concert again at Heinz Memorial Chapel on the Pitt campus in Oakland for the Chapel’s Sunday afternoon concert series.

Interested singers are invited to contact the church for information on joining the Cantata Choir.

Our Pipe Organ

We are blessed to have a pipe organ of fourteen ranks of pipes and two manuals and pedalboard. The M.P. Moeller Company installed our organ in the former church building adjacent to Laird Hall in 1914. It was moved to our current sanctuary in 1969, and a renovation in 1998 provided for the organ to relocated to the rear balcony. The organ has been updated and tonally improved over the years and provides a rich palette of sound to lead congregational singing and enhance worship through the power of music.