Sunday Services

8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Friends' Kitchen

Friends’ Kitchen on April 2nd from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.


Spring Cantata

Murrysville Cantata Choir will present the cantata "Blessed: A Holy Week Journey Through the Beatitudes" with music by Joel Raney and words by Pamela Stewart. This work portrays the events in the life of Christ during Holy Week in light of the Beatitudes: Christ is not only the One who blesses but, by becoming one of us, is himself one of the blessed.

Sunday April 13th at 4:00 pm

Cast your worries and anxiety on the Lord, because God cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

There is a place for you here.

Have you ever wondered where you belong? Longed for a place to be welcomed for who you are? Searched for comfort and peace away from the storms of life? Desired to be lifted from the challenges of this world to experience the joy of life to its fullest?

We invite you experience the love of our Lord Jesus Christ in the vibrant worship and ministry here at First Presbyterian Church of Murrysville. Join in the renewal of God’s Holy Spirit as we build on established relationships in our community, develop exciting new partnerships, and create new opportunities to share the love and grace of our Lord.

Explore our website, visit our campus, and meet our people.

This is a place to grow. This is a place to feel loved.

This is a place to know the Grace of God.

Rev Ed - square

Rev. Edward Gray


Ruth at organ 10-20-19

Ruth Poscich


Karen - Photo for Website 11-3-22 DSC_0754

Karen Langston


Linda Kovac

Linda Kovac


Eddie Gray

Eddie Gray