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"Preparing the Way"

3202 North Hills Road • Murrysville, PA 15668 | (724) 327-0728, ext. 103 |

3202 North Hills Road • Murrysville, PA 15668
(724) 327-0728, ext. 103

3202 North Hills Road • Murrysville, PA 15668


Murrysville Presbyterian Preschool (MPP) began in 1951 as a Kindergarten and has evolved into one of the finest preschools in the Murrysville area. We are a nonprofit and nondenominational school that is run by the Preschool Committee (a sub-committee of the Christian Education Committee of First Presbyterian Church). Our teachers are eager to show Christ’s love by engaging the children, who enter their classrooms and their lives, with playful learning styles.

All Murrysville Presbyterian Preschool classes are taught by professionals with a bachelor’s degree in either education or child development. Each teacher has an assistant for each classroom.

Murrysville Presbyterian Preschool
3202 North Hills Road • Murrysville, PA 15668

Phone: (724) 327-0728



Our goal is to provide a balance of intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical growth in creative, age-appropriate ways for each child.


Children learn through the exploration of real objects, role-playing, repetition, problem-solving, and sharing. Field trips are scheduled throughout the year to enhance the curriculum. Music is a part of our daily routine for learning.


We provide a safe and secure place where each child feels accepted, respected, and encouraged to learn more about themselves and the world around them.


Our environment of planned activities and the work of play fosters interaction with adults and other children, which encourages respect, empathy, and cooperation as children acquire communication and problem-solving skills.


We have a special church member come weekly to share time with the children in music and sometimes story reading. The teachers and aides provide the foundation for a child’s faith to develop through teachable moments and prayers.


In addition to our large grassy field and playground, we provide a variety of equipment, activities, and opportunities for using large and small muscles, developing each child’s motor skills and physical development.



MONDAY & TUESDAY 9:00-11:30am

This class is limited to 10 children. To enroll in this class, your child must be two years old by September 1st. All classes begin the week of Labor Day and end the week before Memorial Day.

The primary objectives of the Two-Year-Old class are to help each child develop a good self-image and to instill a genuine love of learning. To accomplish this, we provide repeated opportunities for each child to engage in problem-solving and thinking activities, to discover and explore. We give the children diverse choices that can lead to independence, self-control, self-confidence, and a sense of responsibility.

Our program provides a rich environment that considers each child's total development, individual needs, and interests. Specifically, our Two-Year-Old class focuses on these exciting areas: language development and blossoming speech, the beginning of creative/imaginary play, the establishment of independent identities, and developing an awareness of others and their feelings. During this year, many children are in the process of toilet training. For most children, this will be their first experience away from home for any length of time. We provide a safe, warm, nurturing environment in which children can develop trusting relationships. An atmosphere devoted to children!

Each day will include a variety of the following: art experiences, singing and rhythm activities, finger-plays, dramatic play, stories, games, development of self-help skills, and physical activities. At this age, we also begin a strong emphasis on the language skills that serve to help children interact socially. We develop skills through both active and quiet structured play.

Optional Lunch Buddy Program

The Preschool offers a Lunch Buddy program throughout the school year. Lunch Buddies is open to any Pre-Kindergarten or 3-year-old child currently enrolled. Two-Year-Olds are invited to join after a few months at the discretion of the committee and upon teacher input. The Two-Year Old's Lunch Buddy would be every Tuesday from 11:30-12:30. This program offers the children a time to eat lunch and play with children from the other classes. Each child brings their own lunch and drink. Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board located in the middle of the school hallway. You must sign up each time in order to have your child stay, as space is limited to a certain number of students each day. There is a nominal fee for each Lunch Buddy day due at sign up.

We hope that your child will be joining us for this busy and fun-filled year!


2 days/week: THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9:00 – 11:30am

3 days/week: WED - FRI from 9:00 – 11:30am

To enroll in these classes, your child must be three years old by September 1. Classes begin the week of Labor Day and end the week prior to Memorial Day.

The primary objectives of the Three-Year-Old class are to help each child develop a good self-image, give repeated opportunities to discover and explore, to challenge, and to problem-solve. We give the children diverse choices that can lead to independence, self-control, self-confidence, and a sense of responsibility. Our program provides a rich environment that considers each child’s total development, individual needs, and interests.

Each day will include arts and crafts, singing and rhythm activities, finger-plays, dramatic play, stories, games, physical development activities, and readiness experiences. During playtime, the children will learn to interact with each other, solve problems, and acquire socially acceptable behavior through cooperation and sharing. We emphasize encouraging children to be aware of the feelings and rights of others. Age-appropriate academics are also introduced. Throughout the year, our program will include science and social living lessons involving self-awareness, seasons, holidays, animals, plants, health, and safety, as well as supplemental visits from resource persons.

Optional Lunch Buddy Program

The Preschool offers a Lunch Buddy program throughout the school year. Lunch Buddies is open to any Pre-Kindergarten or 3-year-old child currently enrolled. It is held every Tues-Wed-Thurs beginning in October. This program offers the children a time to eat lunch and play with children from the other classes. It runs from 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Each child brings their own lunch and drink. Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board located in the middle of the school hallway. You must sign up each time in order to have your child stay, as space is limited to a certain number of students each day. There is a nominal fee for each Lunch Buddy day due at sign up.

Optional Extended Day Program

The Preschool also offers an Extended Day Program that occurs every Wednesday and Thursday from 12:30-1:30 starting in October. This program lasts one additional hour after our Lunch Buddies Program. Our Extended Day Program is open to only our Threes and Pre-K classes. Each child who attends is required to be signed up and participate in the Lunch Buddies program that day. There is an additional fee per day for this program. (This fee should never be included with your tuition check.) Sign up in the hallway just as you do for our Lunch Buddies program. Some of the themes we cover during our time together include: Science/ Discovery/ Cooking/ Music/ Movement/ Theater /Authors/ Artists/Social Studies/ Countries/ Character Education/ Team Building.

We feel that your child will enjoy playing, learning, and growing with us throughout this busy and fun-filled year!


4 days/week: MON - THURS from 9:00 – 11:30am
*limited to 16 students.

3 days/week: MON - WED from 9:00 – 11:30am
*limited to 16 students.

3 days/week: MON - WED from 12:30 – 3:00pm
*limited to 16 students.

All classes begin the week of Labor Day and end the week prior to Memorial Day.

NOTE: In addition to the first tuition payment, a one-time field trip fee is due. This fee covers field trips taken by the Pre-K Students.

The primary goals of the Pre-Kindergarten programs include an emphasis on reading readiness, math readiness, fine and gross motor skill development, art, music, and creative expression. A variety of activities are used to stimulate growth and development in these areas. Our curriculum also includes science and social living units encompassing themes of self-awareness, health and safety, seasons, animals, plants, and holidays.

Our daily schedule alternates between structured activities and opportunities for the children to move about freely. Each day includes time for enjoyable activities such as arts and crafts, singing, rhythm activities, finger-plays, stories, games, and dramatic play. During playtime, the children learn to interact with their peers, solve problems, and acquire socially acceptable behavior. We utilize field trips and visits from resource persons to supplement our program.

Optional Lunch Buddy Program

The Preschool offers a Lunch Buddy program throughout the school year. Lunch Buddies is open to any Pre-Kindergarten or 3-year-old child currently enrolled. It is held every Tues-Wed-Thurs beginning in October. This program offers the children a time to eat lunch and play with children from the other classes. It runs from 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Each child brings their own lunch and drink. Sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board located in the middle of the school hallway. You must sign up each time in order to have your child stay, as space is limited to a certain number of students each day. There is a nominal fee for each Lunch Buddy day due at sign up.

Optional Extended Day Program

We also offer an Extended Day Program that occurs every Wednesday and Thursday from 12:30-1:30 starting in October. This program lasts one additional hour after our Lunch Buddies Program. Our Extended Day Program is open to only our Threes and Pre-K classes. Each child who attends is required to be signed up and participate in the Lunch Buddies program that day. There is an additional fee for the Extended Day Program. This fee should never be included in your tuition check. Sign up for this program in the hallway just as you do for our Lunch Buddies program. Some of the themes we will cover during our time together include: Science/ Discovery/ Cooking/ Music/ Movement/ Theater /Authors/ Artists/Social Studies/ Countries/ Character Education/ Team Building.

Optional Full Day Program

We are pleased to now offer an optional full day program to our 3-day (Mon, Tue, Wed) and 4-day (Mon – Thurs) PreK students from 9 a.m. -1:30 p.m. This program gives families the ability to prepay and reserve their child's spot in advance for two extra hours of fun and education after their regular school day. The purpose of this program is to extend each child's learning experience. The children stay together as a class and enjoy a packed lunch from home and play games and learning activities that reinforce their morning lessons.

Families who would like to enroll in this program need to register before school starts in September. There will also be an opportunity for students to join our Full Day Program in January. Note, once your child is enrolled, you are committed to this program for the duration of the school year.

As you can see, it is a full and busy year. We hope that your child can join us!


Mrs. Stacie Curry

Stacie Curry

3 Years (3-Day)

Mrs. Stacie Curry graduated from La Roche College with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education.  She has been leading classrooms (Elementary & Preschool) since 2000.  Mrs. Curry joined Murrysville Presbyterian Preschool in 2014 and not only teaches but also serves as registrar.  Currently she and her husband Jonathan live in Plum Borough with their two children.  Mrs. Curry loves teaching making children laugh and seeing their eyes brighten when they learn something new!


Tiffany Gallagher

Pre-K (4-Day)

Mrs. Tiffany Gallagher joins us this fall as a Pre-K teacher, but she's no stranger to the preschool.  One of her four children is an MPP alumni!  Tiffany graduated from Ohio University with a bachelors degree in early childhood education and a masters degree in reading education.  With previous teaching experience at the elementary and preschool levels, she's a perfect addition to our school.  She lives in Murrysville with husband and four young children.  Tiffany is excited to be a part of MPP and to share her love for teaching with her preschoolers!

Becky Larson

Becky Larson

3 Years (2-Day)

Mrs. Becky Larson graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education.  She continued on to Ashland University where she earned a master’s degree in Literacy.  She has taught from preschool to eighth grade in various school settings, and has volunteered from nursery to high school youth in various church settings.  Mrs. Larson loves watching how kids grow from the beginning of a year to the end.  She is excited to be part of the MPP team!

Kate Williams

Kate Williams

 2 Years (2-Day)

Mrs. Kate Williams graduated from Pennsylvania College of Technology with an Associate degree in Early Childhood Education.  She has worked in childcare centers as a 2-year-old teacher and a supervisor.  Mrs. Williams was a nanny for two families for three years and now has her own family.  They currently live in Murrysville.  Mrs. Williams is the director of the Children's Ministry at her church.  She is excited to be teaching in the 2-year-old classroom.

Mrs. Jeri Phillips

Jeri Phillips

Pre-K (3-Day)

Mrs. Jeri Phillips was raised in Jeannette and currently lives in Murrysville. She graduated from Jeannette Senior High School, received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from Slippery Rock University and her Master of Arts Degree in Teaching from Chatham University. Currently she is married and has four children who are all enrolled in the Franklin Regional school district. All four of her children also attended Murrysville Presbyterian Preschool. Mrs. Phillips started working for MPP in 2016 as an aide in the two days, 3’s classroom.

Mrs. Renee Lagnese

Renee Lagnese

AIDE: Pre-K (3-Day)

Mrs. Renee Lagnese graduated from Immaculate Conception high school in Washington, PA. After working as a hairstylist for 14 years, she decided to enjoy the life of a stay-at-home mother of three, all of whom attended MPP. Mrs. Lagnese began working at MPP in 2013 and has loved every day of it since. Her favorite part of being an aide here is seeing the kids learn and grow.

Mrs. Nannette Nutter

Nannette Nutter

AIDE: 2 Years (2-Day) & 3 Years (3-Day)

Mrs. Nannette Nutter was born, raised, and continues to reside in Export. She graduated from Franklin Regional Senior High School with a license in Cosmetology. Currently she is married and has four children and one granddaughter. Mrs. Nutter has been working for Murrysville Presbyterian Preschool since 1998, aiding in the twos, threes, and pre-K classes and has been a member of First Presbyterian since 1993. Both her son and granddaughter attended MPP and she continues her faith in the program. Mrs. Nutter has enjoyed seeing former students in the community and looks forward to more years in this great program.

Lynda Baker

Lynda Baker

AIDE: 3 Years (2-Day)

Mrs. Lynda Baker graduated from Penn Trafford High School and received a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  After working downtown for 12 years, she decided to be a stay-at-home mom with her kids. She lives in Murrysville with her husband and three boys who are in the Franklin Regional School District.  She is super excited to be an aide at MPP for Mrs. Larson and to share the classroom with her.  She loves being silly with kids and helping them learn new things!

Dara #3

Dara Lee

AIDE: Pre-K (4-Day)

Dara grew up in North Dakota and has a bachelors degree in Environmental Science from the University of Idaho.  She lived in Georgia and Minnesota before moving to Murrysville in 2015.  Dara is married to Bryan and has three girls who are 15, 13 and 11.  In her free time she enjoys camping, traveling, reading, knitting, cooking and putting together puzzles.  She also volunteers her time as a girl scout leader and is looking forward to share her experiences and talents with Mrs. Hamilton's Pre-K class.


  • Registration begins in January for the following school year beginning in September
  • All registrations are made on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Student Registration is secured by the non-refundable registration fee
  • Tuition varies from year to year. Please contact the preschool registrar for more information
  • Tuition payments are made in 9 monthly installments September to May. Whole year and half year payments are accepted. Payments can also be made via online bill pay (2% service charge). We do not accept credit cards or Pay Pal payments.

Fees for optional programs to be paid weekly:


Please do not pay the online registration fee until the registrar informs you that there is a spot available for your child. Thank you!

Want to learn more?

Murrysville Presbyterian Preschool
3202 North Hills Road • Murrysville, PA 15668

Phone: 724-327-0728, ext. 103